Tuesday 17 March 2009

Finally getting things sorted for summer!

Leeds Festival with uni mates should be incredible. I've never been to a festival or any kind of gig for that matter. I'm a virgin to live music! So that's in August, but before then I'm gonna go BISH BASH BOSH to a few countries in Europe with some other uni friends. I feel both of my summer plans will contain lots of mess. I cannot wait.

Here we go again with the drinking...

''...not nineteen forever...''

So I shall be positive about being a young one and crack on with the smiles. After all I wouldn't want to be 48 years old, looking back and wishing I would have done more.

Camp America one year soon, I think.

Sunday 15 March 2009

I'm not feeling too great about things, not feeling positive. I think I've been waiting for something to make me sad. The clock has been ticking, time is going on - my world has not stopped.

It's become a whirlwind of drinking and sleeping.

Drink, sleep, wake, hangover.
Drink, drink, drink. More sleep, than I need. Stronger hangovers.

My head is aching, waiting for me to become sober.

It has a long wait, I feel.

Can I turn the other way, please?

Wednesday 11 March 2009

After a long time of being happy, nothing special happening but just having a smile... I found out tonight that things just aren't how you percieved. I feel utterly stupid and so alone. Why is it that when you find something you like or share something you know too well that sometime soon, somebody or something will take it away from you from their own greed. Why are we experiencing this? It doesn't need to happen.

In response to my opinion I would like to say be aware of what's there and what is truly there. You know what is best, follow your heart and not your head.

Love to you